How to renew a lease | for a PropDocz user
Updated over a week ago

Note: This process is for PropDocz users.

How to renew a lease not yet enrolled in SimpleRent for direct debit payments

  1. Log in to your PropertyMe account and navigate to the lease you wish to renew.

  2. Click on the SimpleRent side panel icon.

  3. Review the lease details shown. Under "Is this a new tenancy?", select "NO" and then choose "Lease Renewal."

  4. Click the "Set Up Lease Renewal with PropDocz" button to proceed.

  5. You will be redirected to the SimpleRent lease renewal page. Review and adjust (as needed) the lease details regarding the lease agreement, the start and end lease dates, and rent details. Once all renewal details are finalised, click on the "Set Up" button to schedule the lease renewal.

  6. Once set up, your tenant will receive an email and SMS notification to set up lease renewal payments with SimpleRent.

How to renew a lease not yet enrolled in SimpleRent for direct debit payments

  1. Log in to your PropertyMe account and navigate to the lease you wish to renew.

  2. Click on the SimpleRent side panel icon.

  3. Lease details will appear in the side panel. Scroll the panel and review the lease details shown.

  4. Click the "Set Up Lease Renewal with PropDocz" button to proceed.

  5. You will be redirected to the SimpleRent lease renewal page. Review and adjust (as needed) the lease details regarding the lease agreement, the start and end lease dates, and rent details. Once all renewal details are finalised, click on the "Set Up" button to schedule the lease renewal.

  6. Once set up, your tenant will receive an email and SMS notification to set up lease renewal payments with SimpleRent.

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